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Masculine vs Feminine

The difference between the masculine and feminine approaches to nutrition, weight and body image.

Just to be clear, here no reference is being made to gender discourses. Rather, I am talking about the masculine and feminine qualities that we both gender have in us. In order to create health habits that will sustain, I invite you to get curious about the feminine approach to food, weight and body image.

The masculine approach is one that identifies a problem and then heads towards fixing it in a systematic way. The approach is more linear and mechanical (PEZ TAKER LALIMIER ALIME). But the body is more than just a machine that we need to fuel or a mathematical equation that we need to solve. We are beings with souls.

The way majority of the our society deal with nutrient, body weight issues uses the masculine approach, that is, setting a goal, kick-starting our will-power – restricting what we eat, weighing and measuring everything – and pushing through ‘til you’ve (hopefully) reached your goal.

It works perfectly for a category of people for sure but what about the rest? 

For others maybe the body deserve more than that…
So let’s welcome also the feminine approach and learn how to live with ease and peace with our body and food. Listen to our soul and trust our body wisdom meaning listening to our body, listening to how different foods make us feel and learning how to be in a real and positive relationship with our body is the basis of the feminine approach to feeling good. Beings are more multidimensional; the paradox is that we are same and different at the same time. That’s the beautiful of nature. There is not a global solution for a specific problem. Our body issues are not an equation that we need to solve, the body issues are here for a good reason, which need be listened, respected and embraced. As one of my first client use to make me remember PENA ZIS NOIR EK BLANC…ENA GRIS AUSSI ET DIFFERENT TONN GRIS AUSSI.
Lets not try to order our body, lets be its partner along this journey. Lets enter into a dialogue with the body, the mind and the soul.
 If you have adopted society’s norm…the masculine approach to food and body – and you’re still struggling to feel at ease and in peace with your body and yourself – I encourage you to develop a more feminine approach.
What is my body saying to me?
What do I really need?
What do I really want?
Take a moment…breathe…and really inquire. Get curious.
Trust your body – the body is wise.
Review our relationship with food – Food brings pleasure, joy, satisfaction, love…

Try some of these questions as a way to step into a more feminine and nourishing relationship with your food and body. A moment to actually sit and eat a real meal…or whatever it is that your body is asking for Try responding and respecting what she’s saying. You’ll be amazed at how things will start changing!

For more information and queries about nutritional philosophy that we embrace, please follow us on Facebook or contact Aimebody on 54789737, Certified Mind Body Coach.